A Full-Circle Moment

The Quirky & the Noteworthy That Caught My Attention This Month

A Full-Circle Moment

Hi, everyone!

I hope you enjoy reading about these things that stood out to me this month.

Workers assembling airplane engines at the Ford Rouge Plant, Dearborn, Michigan, 1941.
  • I've been reading the book I got during last month's chance encounter at the Little Free Library (The Arsenal of Democracy by A. J. Baime). Interesting, the author details a Detroit, Michigan, suburb called Dearborn. The reason I've found this story so fascinating . . . I was born in Dearborn. I've always known Dearborn was once at the center of America's early automotive industry. But before reading this book, I never knew Dearborn played a key role in the American efforts toward helping end World War II. What are the chances I would come upon a random stranger who handed me a book explaining the boldness, the ingenuity, and the progressiveness that once existed in my birthplace? Kind of a full-circle moment.
Taken September 2024.
  • I've written before about my daydreams of owning a bookshop. Recently, I discovered the Golden Bee Bookshop, located in the lakeside village of Liverpool, New York. Over the years, I've imagined bits and pieces of how I would design a shop. When I walked into this one, I saw in complete a bookshop similar to what I had imagined. A friend asked me what I like so much about it: The space is bright, light, and airy with fresh design elements; many of the books on display have personal, handwritten review cards; the book selection is inviting and not overwhelming; and there are several engaging community events each week. It has rekindled my imagining.
Taken September 2024.
  • In my area, there's a newish traveling houseplant shop called The Plant Stand. The owner hosts pop-up events at local businesses. Sometimes she has a Bloom Bar where she offers a selection of single stem flowers visitors can pick from to make their personal bouquet. I think it's a clever idea. I had a good time creating an end-of-summer arrangement that brightened my day.

Thanks for reading!

—Melody 💟